New Plymouth Coastal Walkway

Thursday 16th August 2018
We woke up to another cold and rainy day. We spent the morning doing our regular chilling and coffee drinking, then planned to go for an afternoon if we could dodge the constant rain.

Cheeky monkey getting more confident with climbing on everything, and everyone.

We rugged ourselves up for our afternoon walk along the New Plymouth Coastal Walkway.

Nanny T looking toasty and warm!

The wide path was perfect for the boys to get their skate on.

Number 1 trick to successfully ride down a slide... land on your feet! Ha!

The weather was certainly cold and gloomy, but still so scenic.

Like everywhere we go, we find ourselves a little furry friend.

Having more fun that Jack on the swings...

or maybe not! Look at that face.

That smile gets me every time.

Back home and ready to warm up indoors (and play Exploding Kittens all night!).


Home Time


Snow Seeking at Mount Taranaki