A Sunday Drive

Sunday 13th November 2016

A Sunday drive was on the cards for the day. We had found a great place for a pizza lunch down near Coles Bay, and thought we could stop in to check out Bicheno on the way.

The stormy weather made for some impressive waves crashing over the Bicheno Blowhole.

And the wind was intense!

Bicheno. Still beautiful, even in gale force winds.

We arrived at our destination for pizza at Tombolo Freycinet. Was it worth the drive... absolutely!

The flood waters rising daily were becoming a littler harder to ignore.

A pitstop on the way home to strech our legs - and stomachs that were bursting with pizza - and we found this little lichen covered bay.

Another evening spent by the fire. This time, toasting marshmallows. They were delicious, even though Andy looks scared eating them, ha!


Video: Exploring the East Coast


Bay of Fires